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Why would you rather buy city honey?


City Honey versus land Honey

We compare city honey versus country honey.

The idyll of country life is deceptive. It is true that we can cycle through picturesque landscapes in many places in Germany. We enjoy the sweeping views over fields and lush green pastures. This idyll is disturbed at harvest time at the latest, as huge machines are put to work. Nitrogen oxides and diesel exhaust pollute the air. Honey bees easily lose their bearings as a result. They find it harder to head for suitable flowers and often cannot find their way back to the hive.

We like to suppress how much fertilizer and liquid manure was previously applied to the fields. Pesticides such as glyphosate are extremely popular with German farmers. Many a German beekeeper has had to destroy his entire honey harvest because it was contaminated with glyphosate. We tend to ignore the fact that in the middle of idyllic farmland there are experimental fields where genetically modified plants are grown. The wind carries their pollen with it. However, such trial fields should actually be strictly separated from the fields of conventional and organic farmers.

Why are beekeepers increasingly using urban areas?

The fact is that many hobby and professional beekeepers are now deliberately settling in urban areas to produce excellent honey. In doing so, they are overcoming several problems at once.

On the one hand, such beekeepers ensure the preservation of honey bees. Their numbers have been decimated considerably in recent years. This is due to pests, but also to the excesses of intensive agriculture. Increasing monocultures, the increased use of pesticides and factory farming are resulting in less and less varied bee food. As a result, our honey bees are increasingly falling victim to diseases.

Secondly, the city beekeepers actively pollinate plants in the city through their beehives. Thirdly, the urban beehives also produce wonderfully tasting mixed honeys. These are characterized by a low pollutant content and a round taste. City honey is currently even the best quality that honey lovers can buy in Germany. This fact is sure to surprise some honey lovers. For some people, it requires more explanation than their beloved varietal honey

Glyphosate and pesticide in city honey?

Are glyphosate and pesticides found in urban honey?

City honey versus country honey part 2

Informed honey lovers deliberately do not choose zero-eight-fifteen honey from the supermarket. Most of these honeys are inferior because they have too high a water content and have not matured long enough in the hive. Their taste is adapted to the mainstream. Typical characteristics of single-variety honeys are neutralized. Imported honeys also consist of mixtures of several types of honey. They are no longer natural.

Honey connoisseurs who demand quality and aroma often bring back tasty honey specialties from small beekeepers in Greece. Some buy their honey directly from the beekeeper. Others trust a reliable stall holder at a weekly market. Delicatessen stores or the internet are also good sources for buying uncontaminated and delicious-tasting honey specialties.

The belief that country honey is fundamentally better than city honey is no longer tenable. The quality characteristics have shifted in favor of city honey in recent years. Our city honey can compete with almost any competitor from the countryside.

Contaminated honey often comes from the countryside

City honey versus country honey part 3

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We don’t like to believe that blossom or country honey from Germany increasingly contains unpleasant substances such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids, but it doesn’t fit in with our view of honey production. Bee honey is considered one of the most natural spreads.

However, glyphosate or pyrrolizidine alkaloid residues are actually found in an alarming number of European honey samples. These are also found in bee pollen. Harmful ingredients in honey should be just as rare as honey adulterated with cheap honey. For honey lovers, it has long been clear that no one should be fooled by supposedly idyllic images. It is not only the bee mortality of recent years that has led to more and more hobby and small beekeepers moving their hives to urban areas and thus producing honey in the city.

On the one hand, bees are urgently needed here as pollinators. On the other hand, city honey has long been better than its reputation. For example, it has often been proven to contain less nitrogen oxides than country honey. Beekeepers in the city pay close attention to the location of their beehives. Thanks to the lack of factory farming and intensive agriculture with all its excesses, only road traffic is a burden here. However, no urban beekeeper would place his hives next to a highway.

Less contaminated honey comes from the urban area

Soil contamination with pesticides, herbicides or fungicides is significantly lower in urban areas. Many local authorities have also banned the application of glyphosate in urban areas. These are good prospects for beekeepers to produce less contaminated honey.

A striking example of this is our Wanuka Premium city honey. This comes from Wanne-Eickel. It presents itself as a beekeeping masterpiece in the field of city honey. Our city honey is proof that honey not only tastes delicious. In fact, our Wanuka Premium City Honey also suggests that the more diverse urban habitats are more suitable for “Apis mellifera” honey bees. Even experts confirm this.

In North Rhine-Westphalia – for example in the Wanne-Eickel area – there are ideal conditions for our honey bees. They benefit from lush, diverse and varied vegetation. In contrast, there are intensively farmed monocultures that lack field flowers and wild herbs. Our honey bees of the species “Apis mellifera carnic” collect less polluted pollen in the urban area. Our Wanuka premium honey is another example of how urban honey can be offered to people with a clear conscience.

Our premium honey has a convincing taste anyway. It also benefits from a variety of urban flavor impulses that are no longer available in the countryside. This city honey is therefore an aromatic-sweet tasting mixed honey, because a city beekeeper cannot guarantee varietal purity.

City honey is not a trend by chance

Many large German cities have long since recognized the trend. They produce and market urban honey. In doing so, they also ensure the preservation of honey bees and the pollination of flowers and fruit tree blossoms. We also market the city honey “Honey from Herne”.

The belief that urban honey must contain more nitrogen oxides and more glyphosate cannot be confirmed. On the contrary: on intensively farmed land, far more pollutants are introduced into bee honey than is assumed. It is not only the massive use of pesticides by conventional farmers that leaves its fatal traces in honey. Honey bees cannot tell the difference between an organic farmer cultivating a field and a farmer who has to massively increase his yields with agricultural poisons in order to survive.

It has been proven that none of the 300 pesticides tested, no residues from exhaust gases and no heavy metal inputs exceeding the limit value were found in tests involving urban honey. Our Wanuka premium honey is therefore also pleasingly low in pesticides and glyphosate. Our city honey from Wanne Eickel was awarded the top grade “GOLD” by the “Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Ges18ellschaft” (DLG) in 2017. In general, the honey products produced in our country are significantly lower in harmful substances than most types of honey produced abroad.

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Herne honey – amazingly real

Herner honey 500g Holthausen front

Stadthonig – Honey from Herne

one label – 11 beekeepers from one town.

City honey such as Herne honey is becoming increasingly well-known – and increasingly popular. It is now available from major cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Munich, but also from many smaller towns, such as Herne. Beekeeping in urban areas has been around for a long time. But urban honey was only discovered and marketed as a quality product in its own right a few years ago.

Herne honey is a top-quality honey. It is proof that it is also possible to produce wonderful, first-class honey in a city. Honey from Herne is a top-quality honey brand.

Busy bees – even in the city?

There are nine species of honey bee worldwide. Eight are native to Asia, the ninth honey bee species is the Western honey bee, Apis Mellifera, which is native to our country. Its subspecies are used in beekeeping worldwide. When we talk about honey from Herne, we are talking about honey from honey bees. In contrast, there are 2500 species of wild bees in Europe alone, of which around 560 are native to Germany. While honey bees live exclusively in hives in colonies of up to 50,000 bees, most wild bee species are solitary bees

Wild bee species now need nesting aids such as bee hotels to survive. There is a lack of dead wood or sand and clay areas into which the wild bees can bore, hibernate and reproduce. That’s why it makes sense to set up bee hotels. These nesting aids help wild bees to survive.

When foraging, wild bees only travel up to 500 meters from their nest. Honey bees, on the other hand, have a radius of up to seven kilometers. Wild bees do not produce honey, as they consume the nectar they collect directly. The pollen and nectar processed into honey, on the other hand, is used in the beehives as food and supplies for the winter. By the way, a honey man, i.e. a beekeeper, speaks of a honey crop when he means everything that a busy bee collects during the day and brings into the hive. A crop means the pollen, the honeydew and the nectar. The honey in spring is therefore composed differently from the honey in summer. Honey from Herne can of course never be honey from wild bees. There is no such honey.


We all know how dramatic the situation is for insects in general. But nobody really notices it in everyday life. The gradual disappearance of insects is not really noticeable, as they generally do not want to come into direct contact with humans. In our opinion, a longer journey by car is the most visible for everyone. Anyone who remembers traveling by car 5 to 8 years ago may know what the windscreen or radiator grille of the car looked like when you arrived at your destination. Today, this is much less the case. The decline of all species means that the pollination of flowers and fruit tree blossoms is no longer guaranteed. Where pollination is lacking, the fruit, the harvest and also the reproduction of all plants on our planet is lacking. The death of our small flying insects has incalculable consequences for us all. It is not without reason that the honeybee in particular is one of the most important beneficial animals for organic and plant diversity! We beekeepers in Herne take care of our beehives, we look after and nurture them. We make sure that the animals reproduce. When you buy our honey from Herne, you are directly supporting our work for sustainable cities and communities for the city.

What types of honey are available from Herne?

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Herne city honey is the result of a cooperation between beekeepers from the Herne Beekeepers’ Association and Herne City Marketing. The city honey jars are labeled with a so-called guarantee strip. It bears the brand logo of the city of Herne. An undamaged warranty strip on the honey jar guarantees that it is unopened. With our city honey, we Herne beekeepers want to draw attention to the value and importance of honeybees for the city’s flora. They pollinate flowers throughout the city, including fruit tree blossoms. These animals are valuable.

Herne honey is liquid. It can change its consistency slightly during storage and become solid. However, this is not a bad thing, but a completely natural process. We do not add any artificial substances to our honey to artificially prevent this. Our honey can simply be made liquid again in a water bath, with the lid open and water at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. The aroma and all the healthy ingredients are retained.

We also have different types of Herner honey in our range. Because Herne honey differs according to its origin. Honey from Herne comes from different parts of the city. It comes freshly harvested from the Herne district of Unser Fritz. A jar of honey like this contains the work of bees during the months of May, June and July. It couldn’t be fresher, better or more direct. You will also find honey from the Herne district of Wanne Süd with this spring and summer’s harvest. We even offer two different types of honey from the Horsthausen district with the harvest from this spring and summer, as they are produced by two different beekeepers. We hope to have all beekeepers on board soon. So if anyone is interested, please feel free to contact us.

The variety of flowers in the city also results in different honey colors. Naturally, purity of variety cannot be guaranteed in the urban area. All the flowers that grow in the city are flown to and processed into honey. The flavor of the honey therefore changes depending on the location. There are also differences in taste between the spring and summer honey. The taste spectrum is therefore broad. Dark honey tends to be spicier and light honey milder in taste. The wide variety of flavors in honey ensures intense enjoyment, so you are sure to discover your future favorite honey from Herne.

Beekeepers in Herne

A beekeeper, sometimes also called a honey man, looks after his hives. Separating female bees from male bees, the so-called drones, is one of the tasks of a beekeeper. Drones do not collect pollen or nectar. They also do not participate in work on the hive. Instead, they are fed by the females. They are dependent on the social exchange of food in the bee colony. After they reach sexual maturity, they fly out and look for a queen bee that is ready to mate. Later in the year, they are no longer allowed into the hive. They starve and die outside. The males of a bee colony only appear in the reproduction phase, during the so-called swarming period from April to August. Incidentally, drones do not have a bee stinger. Female bees in beekeeping and male bees therefore have completely different lives.

There are currently over 500 bee colonies in Herne. More than four bee colonies per square kilometer. That is an above-average number nationwide. One bee colony produces 20 to 30 kilograms of honey per year. That is the equivalent of 20,000 to 30,000 500g jars filled with high-quality honey from Herne. Incidentally, the city honey is not heated during the bottling process, as is usual with industrially bottled honey. Herne honey is a high-quality foodstuff that is completely natural and pure.

Herne honey with an effect

Honey consists of up to 80 percent sugar and about 20 percent water. Honey contains 2 different types of sugar, known as monosaccharides. They are specifically called fructose and glucose. It also contains a further 180 substances that make honey not only a tasty delicacy, but also a high-quality remedy. The proven substances include vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and H, as well as enzymes, enzymes, minerals, flavorings, acids, trace elements such as calcium, iron, zinc and potassium, but also amino acids and antibacterial substances such as penicillin B. Honey also contains secondary plant substances such as inhibins, so-called inhibitors, as well as tannins and essential oils. These ingredients combat the aggressive and cancer-causing free radicals in the human body.

Herne honey provides energy thanks to its fruit and glucose content. When consumed, the sugar content is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and metabolized. Honey has an antibacterial effect due to the enzymes it contains, such as glucose oxidase. This enzyme is considered a germ killer. This is why honey also has an antiseptic effect. Milk or herbal teas with honey are well-known household remedies, as honey has an anti-inflammatory effect. Colds and sore throats can be reduced or combated by taking honey. The potassium present supports the drainage of the body via the kidneys. The various acids such as acetic acid, citric acid and lactic acid support digestion, among other things.

Honey is not the only bee product with an effect. There is also propolis, a resinous mass found in the flight holes of beehives. Like honey, it has an antibacterial effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect like honey and has an antiseptic effect like honey. Propolis is used by the honey bees themselves as protection against germs, mites and fungi, including at the entrances to the hive. On the other hand, the bees sting with their stingers to protect themselves from honey predators and attackers of the hive.

Look forward to propolis products in the coming year, which you can then buy from us in the Wanuka online store.

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Oxymel: A traditional herbal medicine


Oxymel – What is that?

Today I would like to talk to you about a remedy that has been used for centuries – Oxymel. Oxymel is a mixture of honey and vinegar that was considered a universal remedy in ancient Greek medicine. In this detailed article, I will tell you more about the history, production and health benefits of Oxymel.

The history of Oxymel

Oxymel has a long history and was used as a remedy by the ancient Greeks more than 2,000 years ago. The term “oxymel” is derived from the Greek word “oxys”, which means sour, and “meli”, which means honey. It was used in ancient medicine to treat colds, coughs, digestive problems and other ailments. In traditional Chinese medicine, oxymel has also been used for centuries to treat colds, coughs and digestive problems.

The production of Oxymel

It can easily be made at home. To make Oxymel, you need apple or wine vinegar and honey. You can of course use our natural Wanuka honey. The ratio of vinegar and honey varies according to personal taste. A common mixture is a ratio of 1:2. The vinegar and honey are mixed in a sealable glass jar and shaken well. The glass jar is then stored in a cool, dark place and shaken occasionally. After about two weeks, the Oxymel is ready and can be consumed.

The health benefits of Oxymel

It offers numerous health benefits. The high antioxidant content in the honey and vinegar helps to reduce inflammation in the body and strengthen the immune system. Oxymel can also help with digestive problems such as heartburn, bloating and constipation. By combining sour vinegar and sweet honey, Oxymel can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Oxymel can also help with colds and coughs. The anti-inflammatory properties of honey and vinegar can help to loosen mucus in the throat and airways. Oxymel can also be used as a gargle solution for sore throats and to prevent infections.

In addition to its health benefits, Oxymel can also be used for skin care. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey and vinegar can help to reduce acne and clear the skin.

Immune system and oxidative stress

One of the most important functions of the immune system is to protect the body from disease and infection. Our body is constantly under attack from free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. This oxidative stress can weaken the immune system and thus increase the risk of infections.

Oxidative stress occurs when the balance between oxidative and antioxidative processes in the body is disturbed. Antioxidants can scavenge free radicals and thus reduce oxidative stress. Oxymel contains high levels of antioxidants, especially phenolic acids and flavonoids, which can help to reduce oxidative stress and strengthen the immune system.

Immune system and inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and infection. However, chronic inflammation can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of disease. Oxymel contains acetate, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Acetate is a short-chain fatty acid produced by intestinal bacteria. One study found that taking vinegar increases the production of short-chain fatty acids in the gut and can therefore reduce inflammation in the body.

Immune system and gut health

Our gut is an important part of the immune system. A healthy gut helps to strengthen and support the immune system. It can also help to improve gut health. The probiotics in vinegar can help to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut and thus strengthen the immune system.

Oxymel has numerous health benefits. Here are some of the most important:

  1. Digestive: It can help to promote digestion and alleviate digestive problems. The vinegar in Oxymel can help to lower the pH of the stomach and therefore improve digestion. It also contains probiotics which can help to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut and therefore aid digestion.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: It contains acetate, which can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Acetate is a short-chain fatty acid that is produced by intestinal bacteria. One study found that taking vinegar increases the production of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine and can therefore reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Strengthens the immune system: Oxymel contains high levels of antioxidants, especially phenolic acids and flavonoids, which can help to strengthen and support the immune system. In addition, the probiotics in it can help to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut and thus strengthen the immune system.
  4. Lowers blood sugar levels: Studies have shown that taking vinegar can lower blood sugar levels. This can be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes.
  5. Lowers cholesterol levels: A study found that taking vinegar can lower cholesterol levels. This can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Oxymel can be used in different ways. Here are some possibilities:

  1. As a drink: It can be enjoyed as a healthy drink. Simply mix a teaspoon of Oxymel in a glass of water and drink it as a daily tonic.
  2. As a dressing: It can be used as a dressing for salads or vegetables. Simply mix Oxymel with olive oil and spices and drizzle over the salad or vegetables.
  3. As a marinade: It can be used as a marinade for meat, fish or vegetables. Simply mix Oxymel with spices and oil and marinate the desired food for a few hours or overnight.
  4. As a sweetener: It can be used as a healthy substitute for conventional sugar. Simply use in place of sugar in recipes for cakes, cookies or other desserts.
  5. As a remedy to soothe a sore throat: It can also be used to soothe a sore throat. Simply mix a teaspoon of the mixture in hot water and gargle in the throat area.


Oxymel is a tried and tested natural remedy with numerous health benefits. Its simple production and natural applicability make Oxymel an all-rounder in naturopathy.

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Beehive air – Apitherapy

EInatmen mit Maske

Bees are amazing creators and their products offer many health benefits. Honey is probably the best known and most commonly used product, but other bee products such as beeswax, propolis and royal jelly are also used in medicine and cosmetics. A lesser-known but nevertheless valuable application of bee products is apitherapy, in particular treatment with beehive air.

What is beehive air?

Hive air is the air produced by bees in their hive. This air is unique and contains many health-promoting substances, such as enzymes, pollen, propolis and beeswax. The air is also enriched by the movement of the bees in the hive and the heating by the bee brood. This combination of factors makes the hive air a rich and unique mixture of healing and immune-boosting substances.

How is hive air used?

Hive air is most commonly used by inhalation, either through special hive air devices or by visiting beehives. Treatment with hive air is a subcategory of apitherapy and has been known for centuries in the traditional medicine of various cultures. In Europe, apitherapy was described by Aristotle, Hippocrates and Pliny the Elder.

Apitherapy basically, is an alternative healing method that focuses on the use of bee products such as honey, propolis, beeswax, royal jelly and bee venom to treat a variety of health problems. It is an ancient practice that has been practiced in various cultures around the world and is becoming increasingly popular today.

Apitherapy is based on the idea that bee products have healing properties that can be transferred to the human body. These products contain a variety of chemical compounds that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Apitherapists use various bee products in their practice. Honey, for example, is used to treat coughs, colds, sore throats and stomach problems. Propolis, which is produced by bees from tree resin, is used to treat wounds, ulcers and skin infections. Royal jelly is used to strengthen the immune system and improve skin health. Bee venom is used to relieve pain and inflammation and can also be used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism.

Beehive air contains many health-promoting substances that can alleviate a variety of health problems. It is believed that inhaling hive air strengthens the immune system, clears the airways, improves lung function and promotes skin health. Beehive air also has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help treat infections.

A 2017 study found that inhaling beehive air led to a significant improvement in symptoms in patients with allergic asthma. Another study from 2015 found that inhaling beehive air can strengthen the immune system of older people and reduce the risk of infections.

How is treatment with beehive air carried out?

Treatment with beehive air is best carried out under the supervision of an experienced apitherapist. We at Wanuka are in the process of specializing and if you are interested, please contact us at or via Whatsapp. There are special devices that produce and filter the hive air in a controlled environment to make inhalation safer and more comfortable. The treatment can take between 15 and 30 minutes and should be carried out regularly to achieve the best results.

Applications usually take place in 3 possible therapies

    1. 6x 30 minutes as basic therapy
    2. 12x 30 minutes as standard therapy
    3. 24x 30 minutes as intensive therapy

For which diseases is beehive air apitherapy used?
Beehive air is used for a variety of health problems. Here are some examples:

  1. Asthma and allergies: Inhalation of beehive air can help treat asthma and especially hay fever and other allergic conditions by clearing the airways and strengthening the immune system.
  2. COPD: if the lungs are damaged and the airways are constricted, beehive air can help.
  3. Skin problems: Cane air can help treat skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and acne by reducing inflammation and promoting skin health.
  4. Infections: The hollyhock air has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help treat infections such as colds, flu and bronchitis.
  5. Inflammation: Inflammation is involved in many chronic diseases, including arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. Beehive air can help reduce inflammation in the body and therefore reduce the risk of chronic disease.
  6. Stress and anxiety: Beehive air can also help reduce stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation.

It is important to note that apitherapy with hollyhock air should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatments. It is important to speak to an experienced apitherapist and ensure that the treatment is safe and appropriate.

What is the Beecura system?

The Beecura System is an innovative method of apitherapy that uses the active ingredients of bee products, in particular hive air, to treat various health problems. The system was developed by a team of scientists and apitherapists and consists of a range of products based on medical certification.
The Beecura System uses the unique properties of hive air to harness antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects and deliver a variety of bioactive compounds that are beneficial for health to the respiratory tract.

The Beecura inhalation device gently draws in the soothing beehive air and directs it through a heated tube to the inhalation mask without disturbing the bees or being stung by them. A grid in the lid prevents bees from entering the tube. Users inhale the hive air through the inhalation mask. A specially developed valve ensures that the exhaled air does not get back into the hive.

The Beecura System is recommended by many apitherapists and naturopaths and is a promising option for people looking for natural and effective remedies. However, it is important to note that each individual health issue has different treatment needs and it is important to speak with a qualified healthcare provider before trying a new treatment.